AI is already infused into a variety of healthcare industry processes,
apps and systems that people have daily interactions with, which is making the field of healthcare primed for an AI expansion. It will go beyond just using AI to support activities such a detecting diseases and medical diagnoses. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
The bigger picture of healthcare is similar to other commercial industries, administration, logistics, business processes and customer relations. These areas are where use case applications of AI have already started to make improvements to costs and efficiencies. Because healthcare costs remain under tremendous pressure to get lowered or brought down. These are some areas are that organizations should be exploring and investing into today to start making changes with using AI.
According to an article by Caserta “The United States spends over $10,000 per capita, or 18% of its GDP, on healthcare.” According to data from BGV, Global healthcare spending is projected to increase at an annual rate of 4.1% from 2017 to 2021, driven by an aging population, developing market expansion, and rising labor costs. Beyond digital disruption there has been unique opportunity for companies to emerge and build technologies that tackle certain issues with the healthcare ecosystem.
The Role of Big Data Analytics and AI in the Future of Healthcare, updated and published by By A. Saxena